Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All for the Love of a Signature

Too many thoughts running through my mind. I can't even form complete sentences. There's just a whirlwind of thoughts that I need to jot down in its pristine state before anything else taints it, because then these memories won't just be chronicles of what happened today, they would now become the things I want to believe to have happened. Every action would be carefully analyzed and dissected, each motive behind every action rationalized. And this is not what I want to happen so allow me to put down what happened today.

It's been a long long day. Coming from two consecutive long weekends, I was feeling a bit under the weather today. You know Monday blues. But I was actually pleasantly surprised at how fast the day went and how sort of productive it was. I was able to accomplish most of the tasks I set for today. For something that started so bleak, the day looked pretty great.

I was about to go home and I was going about the last few tasks on my checklist. Last item on the list: Have something signed then freedom awaits: I can leave. But I guess things don't always turn out the way they seem. Signee didn't want to sign right away. Had some questions that I didn't foresee and wasn't able to answer. No biggie. I understand Signee's point. If signed, the document will bear his stamp of approval and he will have to know why and what it is for. I'll just ask Other Person the questions Signee has, sort everything out, get it signed.

However, I was unable to get a satisfactory answer from Other Person so Signee refused to sign. There's no need he says. This would prolly have been all right except for the fact that production has already started and is actually in the finishing stages. There's no way I can hold or stop the production. What to do? What to do? I am in deep shit.

Thankfully, BigLilSis was able to help me. She asked Other Person about the things Signee wanted to know. Although the answer was still the same, at least Other Person elaborated and explained why, but still the reason given was not satisfactory.

BigLilSis and I approached Signee together to sort things out. For the most part, I was at a loss for words. There was nothing I could do but keep silent and I am just so thankful that BigLilSis was able to talk on my behalf.

A couple of hours later and a bundle of frayed nerves after, Signee eventually signed it after my apology.
I guess it is my fault that I didn't ask why. That I didn't align everyone with what is happening. That I pushed forward assuming that it's okay to spend. That I didn't seek Signee's consent.

Lesson learned. There's still a lot more I wanted to write, my reflections on the matter, my insights and realizations, but it's probably best left for the next session.

PS It's been a long time since I wrote in this blog. Now, no more excuses to not do it anymore.

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