Thursday, August 9, 2012

What You Say You Are

Words are more important now than ever before-- doesn't matter how old you are, if you are male or female. In this day and age, when social media has made everyone believe that you, yes you, have a voice, that what you say matters, and that people actually give a shit about your thoughts and opinions, what are you gonna do about it?

Picture not mine, taken from:

Be heard. Say it loud, say it proud. But most of all:

Picture not mine, taken from:

Easier said than done. Being able to do so means actually believing in something, knowing where you stand, your beliefs, your values. It requires knowing who you are and what you believe in. Because if you don't, then your voice would just be part of the cacophony, devoid of any meaning. That which should or could have been a beacon of hope to others, or even a call to action, would only be lost in the sea of chaos and confusion.

So now, I sit and ask myself, who am I? What do I believe in and what do I stand for?

I know who I am in the most simple of terms, but thinking about it more actually had me confused. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced I don't know myself at all. I am such a mass of contradictions that I find it hard to put down on paper. Ask me about my opinion and mostly it will be it depends, save for a few non-negotiables. Doesn't mean I'm incapable of deciding, it's just that things are rarely black and white anymore.

And then I realized, I am so much more than a list of traits, characteristics and values I believe in.I guess I know more of myself as I go through every experience that life has to offer. My history is a part of who I am and ultimately, it plays a role in who I will be.

I shouldn't fidget around and think about whether doing this or that would be in accordance of who I think I am and who I think others think I am. It's simply not going to play out like that.  In a sense, I know myself better than anyone else but at the same time I don't know myself at all. So why should that stop me?